We care about what we build. We care about where we build. We care about how we build. Because our family of employees live locally and have a shared pride and passion for the quality of homes we build, we strive to build landmark, legacy developments.
Steve Birch, Land and Planning Director, Bargate Homes
Bargate Homes is seeking feedback on its proposals for the development of Maple Grove (Phase 10b) and Daubenton Glen (Phase 11b) of the Berewood Major Development Area (MDA) in Waterlooville, Hampshire.
We welcome your views and ask you to submit comments you may have in the comments box here or via email to info@bargatehomesberewood.co.uk. We ask for you to submit comments by 8 March 2024.
This website will be kept live and updated as the application progresses to allow residents to monitor the progress of the application.
The Outline Planning Consent for Berewood MDA was granted consent by Winchester City Council and Havant Borough Council in 2012 for the development of approximately 2,550 dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscape works.
The development proposed by Bargate Homes will seek consent for two phases of residential development within the Berewood MDA. The proposals for up to 200 homes, split across two phases of development, will accord with the requirements of the approved outline consent to deliver a landscape-led proposal with attractive public realm and ecological enhancements.
The first stage of the process is to consult with residents and the Council on the proposed plans. Once we have reviewed all consultation responses, we intend to submit two reserved matters applications. One for the development of Maple Grove and one for the development of Daubenton Glen. Both applications are to be submitted at the same time and will be sent to Winchester City Council for consideration.
Outline planning permission for the Berewood Waterlooville Major Development Area was granted in 2012 for the development of approximately 2,550 dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscape works.
Since this time, Grainger Plc has been facilitating the delivery of the development by completing infrastructure works and releasing parcels of land to developers for residential development. If approved, the proposals will be the 12th and 13th parcels of residential development to come forward within Berewood, and would result in a total of 1,791 approved dwellings so far.
The principle of development has been agreed through the approval of the outline planning consent for Berewood. Maple Grove and Daubenton Glen are both allocated for residential development within the approved Masterplan Design Document.
This means that the principle of residential development at these phases has already been granted by Winchester City Council and Havant Borough Council.
A Design Code has been approved as part of the outline application. The purpose of this is to set down design rules for the delivery of the Berewood development and to guide architects in the design of phases across the site. For example, it provides guidelines on the materials, detailing, roof tiles and fenestration to be used in each area.
This document is also used by the Local Planning Authority in assessing the reserved matters application.
The Design Code identifies our proposals as within the 'Garden Suburb' character area. The key design principles of the Garden Suburb area is for development to have a "strong landscape structure (setting and street scene) through the use of existing and proposed landscape features and street planting".
The road infrastructure to support development of Maple Grove and Daubenton Glen has been approved with construction near completion.
Green infrastructure provision around the periphery of the development parcel will be delivered separately by Grainger Plc.
Vehicular access to both development parcels will be via the Western Link Road (also known as Marrelsmoor Avenue).
Pedestrian and cycle links will be provided to link with the wider development and green spaces.
These are two extracts taken from the Design Code for the Garden Suburb character area.
This extract is from page 44 of the Design Code. It shows the colours and types of materials that can be used on the external design of the buildings.
This extract is from page 48 of the Design Code. It shows the type of approach to be taken in relation to informal planting in front of houses and the landscape features to be added into the streets.
Design and Layout
Landscape and Ecology
The proposal delivers generous landscaping which includes street trees to create an attractive public realm which will facilitate a good quality of living for future residents. The green buffer running through the centre of the site is part of the Green Corridor Strategy and connects to Plant Row to the east. The incorporation of these landscape features solidifies the Garden Suburb Character Area and enhances ecological connectivity.
Daubenton Glen will deliver a Local Area for Play (LAP) which will provide a safe area for young children to play.
Parking will be provided in accordance with Winchester City Council’s parking standards as follows:
There will also be provision for visitor spaces.
Each property will have secure cycle storage in accordance with requirements.
Bargate Homes are aware of the Council’s current climate emergency and are keen to focus on a sustainable design for the new homes. At this early stage, a strategy has not been developed but a sustainability statement with all proposed measures shall be submitted with the reserved matters application.
Norton Chase, Lovedean
These are examples of nearby developments to give an indication of what Maple Grove and Daubenton Glen may look like once complete. Elevation details and full design images will be updated to the website once the planning application has been submitted.
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